Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Where We Live & What We Do

I am thinking that some of you may not where we live when we are camping or what we do. Well, this is where we live. This is a 35" hitchhiker, by nu-wa. We pull it with a 2500 Chevy Silverado. Doug says, "Diesel duromax with a cummings engine......," now some of you know exactly what I just typed, I don't, I just repeat what I hear him say. So I am literally clueless about what that means. I do know it is very spacious and comfortable. It has all the amenities that our homes. Including washer & dryer. We really like it a lot. Now, this is what we do....well, it is what I do. What you see here is a slice of purple onion, red bell peppers and mushrooms on the grill. Doug would not eat this. His meal look more like a hunk of beef or pork.......He only like meat on the grill, I only like veggies on the grill. We cook out just about every day if the weather permits. We are still in Charleston, SC. Sometimes it is difficult fixing our meals at home because we are always out touring and seeing what we can see. So the latest agreement is that we would at least eat one meal at home. That seems to be working quite well. Neither Doug or I have missed any meals and I am sure you wouldn't say that, but I (Crystal) will. This is kina my food of choice, but not all the time, I can go very easily for days or weeks on end without eating any meat, I just need my fruits and veggies. But I couldn't pass up these jumbo shrimp. They were so inexpensive in the south and yes, I only got one pound and ate them all. I might have shared one or two with Doug. He would really rather have hunks of meat though. It seems to me that eating at home is always a little healthier out in restaurants; although there are times I crave something and have to have it NOW.... One thing I can say about these shrimp is that I have never purchased shrimp that I had to pull the head off myself. Usually when you buy them at the market, the head is already off. Well I had no problem. That process was as easy as nails. I mean......the heads had to come off, would I expect Doug to take the heads off? Uh, NO. That was a clear as mud. So I did it. No Problem. They were so good. Yum Yum. Butter, garlic, parsley, lemon, Um Um Um. I wish you could have been here, I would have shared with you. Posted by Picasa

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