Thursday, May 04, 2006


Fun at the Park - With Grandchildren

This is little Ebony, she is 6 and in kindergarten. Doug and I visited with both Ebony and Caleb here in Virginia Beach. Isn't she beautiful? YES. I tend to answer my own questions. We had so much fun together. On Friday we went out for pizza......why when you ask kids where they would like to go and eat.....they say things like McDonalds? Pizza? Chucky Cheeze? If I were a kid and some one asked me where I would want to eat.......Uh, how about Le Cirque, Letuce or The Rainbow Room @ Rockefellow Plaza? Well they wanted pizza and we honored their request.

This is Caleb, he likes to clown, and he's pretty handsome too. So on Saturday we went to the Virginia Beach Aquarium, then went to the Naval station to look at submarines and Navy vessels, and toured around the entire Naval Base. Then on Sunday we went to church on post and had a very uplifting time, very good message for chaplain, he was on fire. After church we went to the Zoo. Had lost of fun Posted by Picasa

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