Sunday, April 16, 2006
12 Apr 06 King Memorial Baptist Church
We visited the Dexter Ave King Memorial Baptist Church. Founded in 1877, Dexter was originally called the Second Colored Baptist Church. Congregates met in a hall once used as a slave trader's pen until 1885 when the first worship service was held in the basement of the current structure. On Thanksgiving Day in 1889, the first service was held in the sanctuary, and the church was renamed Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. The church began its activist tradition under the leadership of King's predecessor, Reverend Vernon Johns, whose militant words and boldness kindled the spirit of resistance for blacks at Dexter and throughout Montgomery. This is the church where Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr. ministered from 1954-1960 and began his quest for civil rights. Currently the pastor is Reverend Michael F. Thurman. I finally got it now. There was always confusion about Ebenezer Baptist Church and King Memorial. Well Ebenezer is in Atlanta, where Dr. King’s father ministered. He co-pastored/minister in his father’s church. Dr King ministered 6 years only and it was at Dexter Ave Memorial Church.
This is the King's Parsonage, which was bombed.
We attened the Good Friday & Easter Service. What an honor to be in the same church that Martin Luther King persided. Doug and I both took a picture in the pulpit. We went downstairs where some of the first civil rights meeting were held. Great church, great congregation, very friendly and personable.
This is the King's Parsonage, which was bombed.
We attened the Good Friday & Easter Service. What an honor to be in the same church that Martin Luther King persided. Doug and I both took a picture in the pulpit. We went downstairs where some of the first civil rights meeting were held. Great church, great congregation, very friendly and personable.